If you make money using the phone, then your phone system needs to be a business enabler – not an inhibitor. Your prospects must be able to reach you in a timely manner. Your customers need to be able to find you – whether you’re at the front desk, in a meeting, or outside the office.
That’s how you want to serve people. That’s how people want to be treated.
Your business communications system needs to ensure you have the best tools to help you do your best job with your customer … today and tomorrow. But when someone calls your company and the phone rings endlessly or it goes straight to “mystery voicemail,” they may question how capable your business is. You want to show them you can serve them the way they want to be served. In short, your phone system needs to work for you, not against you.
Below are two ways an onsite phone system can improve how you do business with your customers:
Enhance Flexibility and Eliminate Latency
Phone system latency is sometimes referred to as the “mouth-to-ear” delay. It’s based on:- The number of rings it takes for someone to answer the phone
- The number of transfers made before finding the right team member
- The phone connection itself – i.e. if it’s choppy, breaks up, or has echoes
You have a new advertising campaign and you need more people ready to answer the phone There are changing weather conditions and you need to re-route how support is handled You want to improve how calls are routed to a team and establish a “top down” or “longest idle” calling pattern You have a business with seasonal considerations – holiday greetings, auto-attendants, seasonal high call volumes, etc.With work groups, you can organize your call volume and ensure your best sales person or call center consultant gets the next call. The right onsite phone system enhances speed and flexibility in how calls are answered and how your customers’ needs are met. This reduces call times, hold times, number of transfers, and dissatisfied callers. That’s a win-win for you!
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