Adjusting IT Focus: How Cloud Can Get IT Back in the Board Room

Adjusting IT Focus: How Cloud Can Get IT Back in the Board Room

Many IT directors spend their days fielding various requests from the business staff their teams support:

  • That marketing rep who accidentally deleted a whole series of important files and wants to know if they can be retrieved immediately
  • That operations guy who is constantly streaming the latest viral videos, chewing up large amounts of bandwidth
  • The continuous stream of Priority 1 tickets to remove malware from salespeople’s laptops

And don’t forget the weekends spent installing security patches and upgrades – some of which, funnily enough, cause a system that was working fine Friday morning to become inoperable after the upgrade is installed.

No matter who else might be working on tech requests, it’s the IT Director who is ultimately responsible for making sure communications are up and running, 24/7/365. This requires their presence and their oversight.

For most IT Directors the “Tyranny of the Urgent” means they end up spending too much of their time in the server room and not enough time in the board room. But the board room is where they need to be, discussing business initiatives and IT requirements.

Get IT Back in the Board Room with Cloud UC

Have you considered removing the day-to-day maintenance and management of your business communications by moving to the Cloud? This gives your IT Director more time to be the technical consultant in the executive board room that your company needs. Similarly, your IT staff can spend less time on trouble tickets and more time on business-related initiatives.

A Cloud UC solution can mean the following for your company:

  • Reduced network downtime:

Through redundant systems, UC Cloud providers can greatly diminish the amount of downtime your systems experience, relieving your team from hours of troubleshooting and patching

  • No more dealing with PBX systems:

UC in the Cloud utilizes high-speed systems in a unified platform. This keeps your business communications streamlined for all individuals. Also, new apps and software can be easily added by your UC provider, keeping everyone on the cutting edge of technological advances. System updates are performed by your provider, rather than your IT staff

  • Improved communications system security:

A good UC Cloud provider has advanced security systems that usually outstrip that of a mid-level enterprise business. Because they are providing security for multiple clients at once, they have whole teams dedicated to keeping all clients up-to-date with security patches, virus protections, and firewalls. In turn, this frees up hours of labor for your IT staff

The time saved not having to deal with network issues, aging hardware issues, and security issues on a communications system is time which can be spent consulting with your IT Director and staff on the technical components of business initiatives.

It’s time to get IT back into that board room!

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